25 October 2013


Tossing some Bloglovin' out there......
I'm sharing an awesome project from a modern, iconic stylista... Erika Brechtel,
creative director and editor of 'small shop',
an amazing brand design shop and blog {on my 'must read daily' list}!

Her Seasonal Pinboard is the next project on my to-do list for inspiration

check out Erika's gorg Home in California Edition of Adore Home Magazine

Want more instruction on how to make a lovely board of your own?
Check out Erika's D.I.Y. tutorial HERE >
A collection of her favorite things, well edited and laid out in a minimalist way.
I truly love it ....she's inspired me to take mine off the wall and redo it totally....and maybe even create a new one of much larger and appropriate size.  I love her instructions so follow the link above to see how she created hers so that you achieve that same thoughtful appearance.

Happy Friday!  xoxo ande