11 August 2011

Kitch n Glitz! wonderful diy idea from {This is Glamorous}

A perfectly glitzy diy project shared by the perfectly glamorous Roseline from {This is Glamorous}.
Love it so much that I had to share it too.  I'm going to make these right away for this weekends art center party to top some fab little cupcakes.  Thanks Roseline! Love it

{you will need:}
 plastic animals
plastic candle holders
drill with 1/8″ drill bit
gold spray paint


1. use any type of plastic animal you can find, keeping in mind the size of the cake or cupcake you are planning to top; ones with a flat back work best
2. with the pliers, hold the animal steady, and drill a hole straight down, being careful not to come out the other side; the hole only has to be deep enough for the candle holder to fit
3. spray paint the animals in a few light coats, rotating them to cover all sides; note: gold/metallic spray paint will work fine without primer, but if you are using regular spray paint for colour variations, be certain to use a plastic spray paint or a primer for plastic, and always test one first

4. spray the candle holders to match

5. put on your dancing shoes & pop open the champagne