25 July 2011

Rococo Edition

Six to Bliss!   I've been greatly inspired by not only an accomplished Designer but fab blogger...The Decorista.  Her blogs are full of energy and wonderful decorating ideas.  One of her regular posts is the Six to Bliss.  Its just brilliant and I wanted to come up with my own list of fabulous luxe things that automatically create that blissful happiness....  just so happens this time...its seven.

Good Read?  I love decorating with vintage classic books.

Thoughtfully designed office space.

Wonderful office chair....I could work from here all day...maybe even half the night!
Latte n Macaroons....YUM!

Blingified!!  LOVE it

.... harlequin pattern......Awesome!  and great storage....Awesomest!

Fresh flowers...... truely complete bliss.

Rococo Edition:  Six to Bliss {its seven}
1. A major task completed...YAY!  Completed manuscript prep for mailing. Anytime you complete a task thats been looming on the list...its a great filling that allows you to move forward with inspiration.

2. A fabulous office to work in. 

3. That office comes with a cushi fab red leather chair.

4. Great mornings start off with a latte and macaroons.

5. That chandi is sooo beautiful....what perfection of sparkle and luminousity.
I have a vintage chandilier on the to do list right now..its moving closer to the top...must have some wonderful smokey quartz to restring it and maybe even some fresh water pearls to ad in here and there.  Silk shades will complete it.... mmmm.

6. I love Harlequin print!  This file box is so luxe... the combo of storage with a gorgeous finish...just cant resist it.  I'm going to be adding this print on a dresser that I'm refinishing for my apt. entry.  Pictures to follow!

7. Bliss isnt complete without a bundle of fresh flowers.  I personally love roses mixed with some big gorgeous lilies... and the aroma from lilies and some star jasmine worked in......wow! Fabulous!