I found a wonderful blog to share.... Inspired Design and really enjoyed reading through her posts and her blog design is gorgeous! Debby is the inspirational girl behind the blog and she really does just that...inspires you to keep thinking, keep dreaming and keep pressing on!
Its Monday morning already and I've got tons of ideas and dreams that need to be organized. At least I did get the math homework and laundry done this weekend and enjoyed some awesome baseball!
Sometimes a little relaxation is just what you need.
Thanks to my wonderful parents, Mom and Pop, I'm able to do just this....
and after many years of fumbling around, its nice to finally have my own plan for my career. Art and design are definitley a passion of mine. I cant imagine working in any other field and since I'm making a choice now...twenty years late... I'm really content that I'm on the right path.
This outfit is perfect for campus and a little supply shopping afterwards!
Everyone's abuzz about Papaya art and who can blame them....I LOVE this!
Found this lovely inspirational girl photo on 'Inspired Design'
Dream, Create, Live...and do it Large!
images via: Papaya Art, Inspired Design, Pinterest, Tumbler
Happy Lovely Monday!