a lovely summer drawing by @lorepemberton

I follow this wonderful artist on instagram and just fell in love with this drawing.
It reminds me of my Grandmother's home and all of my cousins playing outside...and helping her with the chores. One of my favorite things to help with was hanging the clothes on the clothesline. She had a beautiful backyard that seamlessly flowed into the fields behind their home. Every summer GrandDad had endless rows of corn or peanuts growing on three sides of their home and it was always so magical. We had three, sometimes four gardens growing at various locations around the farm and in the summer she would wake me up to go with her to pick yellow squash, butter beans and field peas. We would spend the rest of the day shelling and preparing the vegetables to put up in the freezer. It was a beautiful life.... I miss you GrandMom and GrandDad!
happy springtime days,